Friday, April 19, 2013

Thursday update

I couldn't figure out what I wanted to have tonight for dinner.  I decided on a whim to try out a local restaurant.  A place called Sergio's Mexican Food.  It actually wasn't too bad.  It's right next to A Bowl of Heaven, which I've been wanting to try.  Anyway, Sergio's, I'd say it's about average.  Not the best Mexican Food I've had, but it certainly wasn't bad.  I think it might be something that could be worked into the Friday night dinner rotation. 
I also went by A Bowl of Heaven.  They've got a peanut butter item on the menu that sounded good.  So, I got one.
It was interesting.  It wasn't yogurt or ice cream.  It was sort of like a fruit smoothie.  It's hard to describe, but it was alright.  Not quite the strong peanut butter flavor I was after, but damn did they give a lot.  I could've made a whole meal out of this thing.

Now, since I didn't have any hobby updates yesterday, I have quite a few tonight.  Or at least a bunch of pics anyway.

One of the figures I got from Anvil Industries that I was looking forward to painting was the Paranormal Investigator they have in their Miniatures of the North line.  For some reason he isn't listed with the others though and you have to search to find him.  Anyway, I primed him yesterday and actually painted him up today.  The base he's on is also one of Anvil's
Better watch out when you're out there investigating the paranormal. 
And yes, the zombies.  You might notice there's a couple more of them now.  I've added two more zombie Guardsmen who I like to call Cleaver and Shiv.
Click the pic to expand.  I updated Shiv a bit by adding a fair bit of blood to him.

I also did a bit more work on my Chaos Marines' plasma gunner.  I'm still practicing that Object Source Lighting.

I'm thinking I might add some eyes to the fleshy part of the gun.  Obviously the guy is still work in progress since he doesn't have his backpack.  The rubble on his base needs to be painted up too.

Now, tonight I've completed what is, so far, my biggest project.  My Plaguelord is complete!
 I'm loving how his base turned out.

 The grenades on his hip are proxies for Typhus' Blight Grenades.  I tried doing some more OSL on them.  I think it turned out alright.  Not as nice looking as it is on his eyes though.
 Detail of the face embedded in his scythe's blade.  You can also see some of the texture that was added to the blade itself.  It was a major paint getting that crackle medium to work properly.
Of course I have to have an action shot of him leading his undead minions.

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