Monday, March 25, 2013

This weekend was busy.  Went to my parents' house for the weekend.  Wound up doing the San Diego Zoo on Saturday, Sunday did an Easter brunch at the retirement home my Grandmother lives at.  My allergies have been wreaking havoc on my sinuses this weekend though.  That kind of cut down on my enjoyment of things.  I will see if I can get some pics up from the zoo later in the week.

It was definitely a tiring weekend.  In a way, it'll be nice to get back to the normal grind, it isn't quite so tiring.  BUT, this week will be come Thursday as at work we'll be clearing out a convention.  I'm not really looking forward to it.  However, once it's over, I get Friday off, so that's cool.

I've been waiting to head home today though because on Friday I got in an order of bits for my 40k stuff.  That includes the bits I'd needed to start converting my Terminator armored Chaos Lord into my Counts-As Typhus.  He's going to be the commander for my Chaos Space Marines once he's done.  I got a fair bit done on him tonight though.

It's hard to tell, but I've done some kind of subtle mods to the figure.  His arms have been magnetized for one.  I removed the spikes from the collar bit around his head.  His head itself is a modified Grey Knights Terminator head with added filters and horn.  I hadn't realized before just how much their helmets look like the Deathshround/Death Guard Terminator helmets.  All it needed was just a little bit of modding.  I've replaced his left hand with one from the Grey Knights Terminators that is pointing, so he can direct his troops.  The sorcerer's staff was removed from the left hand (that actually went on that arm) and attached to that right arm (had to remove a Combi-Bolter).  The Staff was further modified by cutting out a small notch into the top and adding a cut up rudder from a Dark Eldar Raider.  I know it looks ridiculously huge in that above pics, but I've already started trimming it down into a more reasonable size.  It'll still be pretty long, but not so large.  I also made a screaming face which I've fused into the scythe's blade that you can see above.  Its made from a combination of two Catachan heads that were included with the Sentinel kit's driver.  The heads were trimmed up after being fit together and it is being held on the blade with green stuff, which I used to also clean up a few of the cut lines leftover from the fusion of the two faces.  Further modifications will be to either add some horns or tentacles to his back and probably the hardest of all, adding some hoses to his chest piece.  I'll post more images as I update him.

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