Wednesday, May 22, 2013

No pics tonight, sorry.  It's late and while I have been working on models, it's just too late at night for me to photograph what I've done, format the images, and post them up.  Maybe tomorrow I'll take some pics.  For now, I've been slowly working on my Dreamforge Eisenkern Stormtroopers.  Unfortunately, I only have 3 actually finished.  But, since squads are supposed to operate in 5 man units, I've got most of one squad done now.  I really like these guys.  I can't wait for Dreamforge to put out their Space Russians.  Supposedly they're going to have tanks.  It seems Dreamforge also released updated renders of their APCs for the Eisenkern and man do they look big.  Very cool looking, too.  Something else I've been working on are my Menoth Warjacks.  I'm going to try and have a test run of Warmachine with my brother this weekend, so I want to have all of my starter 'Jacks at least assembled if not fully painted.  Just one more to go as far as assembly is concerned though.  I'll get him built up tomorrow.  I might even get some of them painted up!  I also started an attempt at basing my Vigilant.  Since his base has a big ugly slot on it (and he does not have a corresponding tab), I had to fill it in.  I used a bit of cereal box and globbed on some Green Stuff to sculpt some cobble stones.  It's curing right now.  We'll see how it looks tomorrow once I've got it trimmed and painted up.

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