Wednesday, May 15, 2013

No photos tonight, sorry.

I didn't really get much painting done tonight.  I actually spent most of the evening playing Doom.  I picked up the Doom III BFG edition a few weeks back, but hadn't actually even opened it until tonight.  It's a good deal, too since it gives you the original Doom with the fourth episode, "Thy Flesh Consumed", Doom II, as well as the updated Doom III, and a campaign expansion for Doom III to boot.  So really, you're getting 3 games and DLC all for about $20.  Played right through the first episode and unlocked a good chunk of the original Doom's achievements.  Unfortunately, two of the achievements are for online multiplayer.  I tried to do online and there was NOBODY.  So, this'll be another game I don't get all of the achievements for.  I forget though how much fun this game was.  It's so simple and straight to the point, too.  Not bogged down by story, scripted events, or puzzles that are any more difficult that "find the blue key."  It was actually kind of refreshing.

Other than that, I picked up Metro: Last Light from Gamestop and probably won't get to it for a while.  Also went by Target to pick up some stuff.  Found out they're carrying Iron Man 3 Heroclix singles in the trading card area.  I grabbed a couple, got Iron Patriot and The Mandarin.  I'm sure neither one is rare or anything.  I also drove down to one of the two local dog parks to check them out.  I went to the larger of the two and while it does look like it's probably pretty nice, it was closed down for pest control.  Supposedly it'll be open tomorrow.  Next time I borrow the dog for the weekend, I think I might bring her by there, let her meet some other dogs.  Who knows, maybe I'll even find an attractive girl while I'm there.

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