Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I'm having difficulties making this post.  Google keeps saying I'm logged out when I'm not and is screwing everything up.  So, I'll try and keep it short.

I got the last of my current Menoth clergymen finished tonight.  So, now all I have left to do for them is repair the third singer from my choir set.  He needs a new left arm since the original owner must have somehow lost it.  That's a project for another night though. 

Tonight, I got my Hierophant all finished up.  I'm not sure about his scroll cases though.  I was going for a sort of jade look for them, but I don't think it was terribly successful.  It'll have to do for now.  Anyway, here's the Hierophant in all his glory.
And here he is with my Attendant Priest and my Choir of Menoth.

I really like how my Attendant Priest came out, but without any mercenaries in my force, he's kind of useless to me.  So, he just gets to look cool.  I'll probably wind up using him as a wizard in A Song of Blades and Heroes. 

There's one more piece of clergy left that I want to pick up though, and that's the Covenant of Menoth.  Apparently it's a must-have unit.  That combined with my Choir and possibly the Hierophant can make for a pretty obnoxious force since the Covenant and the Choir both add buffs to the combat units and the Hierophant can heal units as well as reduce the cost of the Warcaster's spells.  Not to mention he can also increase the range of the Warcaster's spells.

I do have one other figure to show:  my Flameguard Cleanser.
I think he came out pretty good.  There's one more guy that came with him, but I haven't finished painting him yet.  I'm not sure if they were supposed to have one or not, but these guys didn't have a unit card with them.  As such, I won't be able to actually use them in the game.  Shame.

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