Friday, October 25, 2013

Vehicles finally see some work!

Yes, I'm surprised too!  My vehicles are finally getting some work done on them.
It doesn't look like much has been done here, but I did start painting the Landraider's tracks and I've not only kitbashed the first set of guns, but they've been magnetized to the hull as well so that they can turn.
My Razorback is seeing some work done on it.  I've dirtied it up a little more and started the hard line highlighting on it as well.  It's actually nearly done.  I had to do some repair work on the magnets on its top panel since some popped out and I've installed magnets into the door so it can stay shut.  It isn't pretty, but the rear door can freely open and shut now.
This is entirely new.  I bought a Devilfish gunship for my Enforcers.  I know this is a Tau vehicle and I don't really care.  I'll be using it as an objective for my Enforcers in Deadzone.  I'll need to put something on that landing pad I've got coming.  Unfortunately, one of the drones that goes onto the front was actually missing from the box.  Hopefully GW can send me a replacement.  I'm not entirely set yet on the colors for this thing.  What I'd like to do is paint it grey and white with yellow striping to match the Enforcers, but that color scheme will be a major pain in the ass.  Alternatively, a camouflage scheme could be cool, but then I have to decide what colors to use.  Desert?  Urban?  Low Visibility?

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