Friday, October 4, 2013

The good guys wear blue

What's this!?  Two updates in one week!?  Gasp!

This is going to be another miniature update.
After some excitement last night I'd rather not experience again, I managed to get another Infinity figure completed.  This time it's a Veteran Kazak from the Ariadna faction.  I love the way these guys look.  I wish I could get my hands on the out of production version, but sadly that one just doesn't seem to be available on Ebay.  So, he'd been spending some time curing after being dipped and last night I not only dull coated him, but also cleaned up a few small spots and painted up his base.  Here he is.
Again, I love how this figure looks.  My paintjob actually turned out halfway decent as well, which helps.  I was afraid that the two shades of green would wind up blending a little too much together, but the dip actually helped differentiate them a bit more.  If I can get some Tank Hunters and some Moblots, they'll probably get similiar color schemes.  Maybe some camo as well, I don't know yet.

The other figure I just finished painting up.  I've had this Teutonic Knight figure from the Military Orders pack sitting on my table waiting to be painted.  I've primed him three times!  The first two the primer for some reason came out chalky and would just wipe off as a dust.  So, a couple nights ago I primed him by hand using Vallejo's brush-on primer and this morning I actually started base coating him.  After work, and just a bit ago, I got him all finished up.
The thread title is a reference to him, btw.  In the background fluff, Panoceania, the faction this guy belongs to paints their armor in blue to signify that they're the good guys.  I tried my best to replicate the shade of blue they use, but without mixing, and knowing the exact mixture, it just isn't going to happen for me.  So, this is the shade I'll be sticking with for Panoceania... assuming I don't just camouflage them or do something totally different.  I figure for the knights though, I should stick more or less to the studio colors.  I mean, they're knights.  They're all about heraldry and sticking out anyway.  As I said, this figure is supposed to be a Teutonic Knight, but those guys don't get along too well with Russians.  Instead, I painted him in the Knights Hospitaller colors.  According to the background fluff, the Knights Hospitaller primarily either do humanitarian work or they do high risk hostage and prisoner rescues.  I figure I'll probably be using these guys in some sort of horror themed games down the line, so they should be pretty good for that.  I'd like to get some of the actual Hospitaller models, but they either have older, ugly sculpts, or they have incredibly annoying dynamic poses that have them on one foot, which means they'll probably be prone to breaking.

I think next time I do some knights though, I'm going to use a grey rather than a blue.  Most of the art seems to look more like Vallejo's Sombre Grey than any shade of blue I've got.  Oh, and I tried something different while painting him.  I used Vallejo's Glaze Medium.  It actually worked pretty well.  I primarily used it on the red bits of his uniform, his sword, and the lighter bits on his armor as well as the lights.  It basically will thing out the paints for you and keep them wet longer which allows you to add a thin, more transparent layer over the base coat and create a better illusion of depth.  I think I'll be using this technique more often.

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