Sunday, October 13, 2013

I've been working on my Infinity figures lately.  I've been posting the pics in this thread on Dakka Dakka.

Anyway, here's a few I've been working on...
These are the line infantry for the Ariadna faction in Infinity.  I've already showed these guys, but here they are all finished up.
And all of my Ariadna together.
The newest one I've finished is a member of the Ahl Fassed regiment, which belongs to the Haqqislam faction in Infinity.

The Ahl Fassed regiment is supposed to be made up of former mercenaries and war criminals.  Basically, they're people trying to escape from a dark past through military service.  They're apparently also supposed to keep their faces covered at all times while on active duty.  I kind of wish there were more figures for this group as I like their armor.  But, she's the only one.  I tried to make the base look like parched desert terrain, but I'm not so sure about my success there.  It'll have to do though because I'm not changing it.

Here's the next figure I've got painted up.  This is the Domaru Butai I've mentioned several times.  He's sort of a test run for how I'm going to be painting my Yu-Jing faction.  The light infantry won't have quite the same colors though.  I plan of them having mostly dark colored uniforms with white armor plating.

He's still missing his swords and he hasn't been dipped yet.  However, I like how he's looking.  The glowy light effects turned out great.  I got that effect from using some Vallejo Fluo Yellow that I just picked up today.

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