Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Eldar of Clan Takeda

Well, I've done it.  I've finally finished a full set of figures.  After about a year painting miniatures, I've actually completed a set.  I'm proud of myself!  Anyway, here is my finished Dire Avengers squad.  I'm sure they aren't game legal due to the guy dual wielding, buuuuuut.... I don't really care.  Oddly enough, I've got nearly enough leftover parts to make a whole sixth figure.  I just need some legs.  I'm thinking I'll wind up using him as a hero character/Warlock.  I need a magic user so I can fry my brother's Tyranids.  Also, I managed to find the sprue from my 4-man Guardian box.  There's two figures left, so I figured I'd try working on this group's colors for standard grunts.  You can kind of see the finished product standing next to the Exarch in the back.  They're mostly going to be dark grey with only a bit of the bright red.  I figure if I get around to doing some Storm Guardians some day, they'll have an alternate color scheme, probably mostly red with a bit of the dark grey.
So, I imagine if I ever get any of the other Aspect Warrior types, I'll probably do similar colors on them with the base troops using the mostly red scheme while the Exarchs use the reversed colors.  Standard Guardians will use the mostly grey with a bit of red scheme while Storm Guardians will match more closely to the Aspect Warriors.  Vehicles will probably be predominantly grey with a red trim and if I ever get and Wraith troops, like the Wraith Guard, I'm actually going to do something totally different for them.  They're going to be done up in a Tron-esque scheme, since they're constructs.  Should look decent, plus it's what I plan to do when I get my Asterian Cyphers from Mantic.

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