Thursday, July 11, 2013


Okay, I'm finally able to post again.  I've been house sitting for the past week and then I managed to misplace my camera.  Well, I've got it back now and I've been doing some painting.

Tonight I have for you, an Orc!
This is one of Mantic's Marauder Orx.  I'll come out and say it, I'm not a fan of GW's comical, goofy orcs.  These Mantic ones, even though they're reusing fantasy parts, they have more of that savage look to them that I think GW has lost over the years.  I had intended this guy to be a test model for when I get myself some Army Painter Quickshade, but I was liking how he was turning out too much to wait, so I went ahead and completed him.  I went for sort of a Bad Moonz clan look.  Something about yellow... I dunno, I kind of like it.  To break it up a bit, I've added a few markings to his patchwork armor, like the checkerboard, the goofy looking skull, the red tribal markings on his back, and it can't be seen, but there's some really poor looking harzard chevrons on his left hip.  Chances are I'll do the rest of them in the same colors, though I want to try and have a less unified color scheme to them.  When I get my Deadzone Marauders, they're going to have unified colors, but these guys are just footsoldiers with cobbled together equipment, so uniformity doesn't suit them.

 Here's something else though.
This is Hunn-Grr, one of Hasbro's latest Transformers Beast Hunters figures.  After doing what I felt was a pretty good presentation this morning, I felt I could do with a little reward and found this guy at Target.  Now, a couple things about him, he's part of the Cyberverse line, which means he's part of the smaller, more simplified, cheaper line.  These guys range in size but are generally around maybe 3" tall or so.  For some reason my camera makes him look pink.  That's actually a dark crimson, so I have no clue how it came out like that.  Hunn-Grr is part of the Beast Hunters Predacon sub-team and has four other beast-formers that join him.  I mean that literally, too.  He's part of a combiner.  Like the original G1 Hunn-Grr, who was one of the Terrorcons, Hunn-Grr is the central torso and upper legs of Abominus.  The actual combined mode looks okay, but the fact that they can combine is neat in and of itself.  Not to mention that Abominus and his ilk have all been recreated in this line, most even sporting their garish G1 colors.  Abominus for some reason is not sporting those colors though.  For some reason he's colored like one of the G1 Autobot Monsterbots, either Repungus or Grotusque. 

Here's how he compares in size to a 28mm miniature
I have to say, despite his small size and clearly limited articulation (no elbows, no knees, no neck, no waist), he's actually a pretty fun little toy.  I'm also really surprised that my nephew isn't into these, since all of the Predacons are either straight up monsters, or their dragons.  The Cyberverse Predacons include Hunn-Grr, a two headed dragon, Twinstrike (a renamed Sinner Twin) which is a two headed quadrapedal dog/dragon monster, Windrazor (a renamed Cutthroat), a Flying Claw looking bird monster, Blight (a renamed Blot) which is a bipedal gorilla monster, and Rippersnapper, a bi-pedal shark monster.  Nevermind that the larger scales include 4 more dragons (plus their repaints) and a hippogrif.  These seem like something he'd be totally into.

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