Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How about some WIPs?

It's been a little while since I posted some minis, hasn't it?  How about some works in progress?

I haven't abandoned my Plague Dogs.  I've just been taking a break from them.  Here are my two latest subjects, one standard marine and one Plague marine.
The standard one on the left is built using all GW parts, but his head had some pretty heavy mods to remove the horns he had.  The Plague Marine on the right us only using a GW torso and shoulder pads.  The arms are Anvil Industries, head is Maxmini, legs are Kromlech, and the gun is Forge World.  It's a little hard to tell, but the arms have a built in stock, so he'll be holding a fairly unique looking rifle when he's finished.  Those Kromlech legs are great, too.  Very detailed and very good casts.  They've teased me on Dakka Dakka by mentioning that while they haven't designed any Plague Marine torsos (at least not yet), they have designed some heads.  I can't wait to see how those look.

Up next are some Mantic Enforcers.  I'm working on these guys in preparation for my Deadzone Enforcer army.  This is more or less the studio paint scheme.  I'm sure it isn't a coincidence, but the studio color scheme is an almost perfect match to the colors used by Cerberus troops in the Mass Effect games.  I've based my scheme on the actual Cerberus scheme.  I used an image of a Cerberus assault trooper as a model.  The main difference between this scheme and the studio one is that there is more white and there are more yellow stripes.
This is sort of a progression image here.  They are in order of oldest to newest and I used a slightly different technique for each one.  It is a little hard to tell from the pics, but they don't actually look the same in person.  You may notice the darker lines between the white bits on the two on the left as compared to the one on the right.  That's because I used a black wash on them and a dark blue one on the far right figure.  I'm actually most pleased with the newest figure as his paint is much smoother.  The other two have a lot of splotchy streaks on them.  I really tried to thin down my paints, but it didn't seem to do much.  The one on the right was painted with drybrushing, white bits first.  This actually resulted in the smoothest paintjob, but it needed some touchup afterwards.  Still, I tihnk he looks the best.   When I finish him, the gun will mostly be black with white paneling on top and probably some glowy bits towards the front.

My Enforcer box came with 10 guys.  I'll be doing 5 in the Cerberus colors as test models and the other 5 will be receiving woodland schemes.  Here's the wip for the first trooper.

I know some paint from other projects seems to have gotten onto him.  I'll clean that up later.  I've debated as to whether or not to add brown to those tan spots.  I'm not really sure right now.  I do like how this is turning out and it is certainly easier to paint than the Cerberus colors.  These guys may wind up being used in Mutants and Death Ray Guns.

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