Monday, April 29, 2013

Well, tonight wasn't especially productive.  My glue decided to turn into sludge over the weekend, so I can't build anything until I get it replaced.  Painting pretty much didn't happen either.  What I did do though was work on some bits I've received over the weekend.  On Friday I received a resin Twin-las turret for a Space Marine Predator tank.  Today I removed it from it's Simple Green bath and scrubbed it down.  I trimmed it up a bit, cleaned up some mold lines and I started filling in the air bubbles that were on it.  The sculpt is nice but the air bubbles were kind of annoying.  Granted, I was expecting them and they're NOWHERE near as bad as GW's Finecast resin.  Ick.  Although, the resin from this turret has an odd spongy quality to it.  I'm guessing it's from the air bubbles, but I haven't handled any that was as soft as these pieces were.  The parts came from Polish bits maker Bitspudlo, btw.

Speaking of resin conversion bits, today I received two packages in the mail.  One came from Chapterhouse Studios.  This particular conversion set will allow me to make GW's current Rhino tanks look more like the old Rogue Trader era tanks.  I did a quick once over of the parts and while I didn't notice any air bubbles, there's a lot of flash, so there'll be a fair bit of cleanup on those parts.  I'll be using those parts with my Chaos Predators/Rhinos.

The other thing I got in the mail was this.
I got one of Takara's scenic sets from their VOTOMS Actic Gear line.  These were 1/48 scale toys and were actually pretty well designed, the Fatties being some of my favorites.  The Scopedogs are good, but they can be a bit fiddly with all of the little flaps on them.  Once I get some glue, I'll fix those.
Also, potentially of interest to my brother, who is backing Mantic's Deadzone game on Kickstarter right now, I've got a size comparison
It looks like 1/48 scale is just about a perfect match for Truescale 28mm.  Should I play my Scopedogs and Fatties against your Teratons?

Also, yesterday I got around to finishing up my test model for my Mantic Forgefathers.
And a size comparison against a GW Cadian.
The color scheme is based on the generic Imperial Guardsman scheme GW uses on the Cadians.  I'd wanted my Forgefathers to have a more militaristic color scheme to them rather than the Ultramarines-esque blue and gold mantic gave them.  I like how this turned out and I'll be putting it onto my other Forgefathers as well.

Lastly, I received replacement turrets last week for my brother's old, beatup Rogue Trader era Landraider.  I've been very hesitant to work on this thing due to it being A)busted up, B)missing parts, C)having a really crappy glue job, D)requiring a fair bit of work to mod it.  I was able to get around the glue issue in that it's actually barely glued together as I found out last week.  I've got replacement parts now, so the missing bits is no longer a problem.  The biggest hurdle I had was removing the old, cruddy sponsons the thing had.  Naturally, this was the one section my brother actually did a thorough job gluing in.  But, with a bit of effort, tonight I managed to yank 'em out.
I did a bit of checking with the new poison mounts and there's a slight issue.  They're too small to fit into the old troop bay doors and they're a little too big to cover up where the old sponsons were.  See that little box underneath where the old mounts were?  The new sponson mounts basically go from the top of the old mount to about halfway down that box.  So, I can't just glue the new ones on and cover up the gap between the sponson mount and the hull.  I'm probably going to have to actually cut a new hole into the thing.  How I'm going to do that, I have no clue.

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