Friday, April 12, 2013

Plaguelord nearing completion

I'm almost done with him!  Just a little bit more to go and he'll be finished.
Even unfinished I think he's looking pretty damn cool.  I love how the Object Source Lighting turned out.  I didn't photoshop the glowing bits.  They naturally look like that.

Here's a picture of him in better lighting.
You can see the detailing I put into his scythe better here.  I used the Vallejo Crackle Medium to get that lovely pitted effect.  The downside to using it though is that while it took to one side of the scythe, the other (the one visible in the pics) didn't take very well and kept flaking off.  I managed to get it to stick though after sticking some blackwash over it before it all came off.  The other thing you can see better in this picture is the stuff I've added to his base.  I've used cut up bits of sprue for rocks and put Liquid Greenstuff over them to give them a more natural look.  I think I'll spray the whole base down with some brown spraypaint before I go over the rocks.  Those long bits of sprue sticking out will be painted as bits of rusted metal.  The idea is that I wanted it to be like he's standing on rubble as he leads his troops.

Speaking of leading his troops...
I needed a group shot of them together.  If my Ebay and Anvil Industries orders ever show up, I'll be able to expand my army further.

I also got another cultist painted up last night.
He didn't turn out quite like I'd wanted.  I wanted him to look like a Blood Pact soldier, but it didn't work out too well.  Instead, it looks more like he's wearing a Buckingham Palace guard's tattered uniform.  This guy was actually a bit of a pain to paint.  I think that may have been due more to my choice of colors for his uniform though.  If I get another of these guys, I'll have to try a totally different scheme.

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