I've done a bit more tinkering with my models today. I was asked to post some newer photos of my Typhus proxy and his newly cut down scythe. I've also added some nicks and scratches into it and his armor.
So yeah, it looks a lot better and more in-scale. I've done further work on him though. A little bit more sculpting, like replacing my ugly hand done cables with new ones made with my makeshift tentacle making tool.
A new pustule coming out of his armor was added to his right leg.
Yesterday I'd picked up a pair of tank models to use as test beds for painting techniques. I was asked to post pics of those as well.
The GI Joe and the Death Guard are there mainly for size comparison. The tanks are small, but not tiny. The one on the right is a Zvezda 1/100 scale KV-2 Russian tank from their wargaming line and the other two are from Pegasus models. I forget what model of tank it is, but it's German. Both of those came in one box, so not too bad of a deal and all of the kits in general were very simple to build. I really like that the Pegasus models were mounted on the sprue in such a way so as to not leave marks when you've removed the parts. I'm going to try and test out a weathering technique that utilizes hair spray on these tanks. We'll soon see if it works or not though.
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