Had in interesting surprise waiting for me above my front door on Tuesday night when I got home.
This little guy.
He was just sitting there, right above the door. Didn't move or anything. I wanted to snap a photo of him, but I figured it'd startle him and the last thing I needed was a crazy bat flying at me. When I went to leave for work this morning, guess who was still there. Exact same spot, still not moving. I don't know if it was dead or sick or what, but I remember hearing waaaay back in elementary school that if you see a bat out during the day, chances are it's probably sick. I notified the staff at the front office. I'm not sure if they called Animal Control to deal with it (I hope so) or what, but they said he was removed. I wouldn't have minded the bat hanging around (no pun intended), but I've always heard that they're pretty much just flying vectors for horrible diseases. I didn't need that right above my front door.
In other news, here's my meal for the evening.
Leftovers from the weekend! This was a macaroni based casserole with some onions, olives, meat, and obviously brocoli on the side. After I ate, I got my paints all set up on the kitchen table. I actually managed to get some work done on some of my Chaos guys. I also picked up some cheapie mono-pose Space Marines to try an experiment with. Basically I'm going to paint them using just washes. They're turning out actually, no so badly. using the Biel-Tan green paint wash actually gets me a color scheme that works pretty well for Deathguard. No pics now, but I'll see if I can get some up tomorrow. Also, I tried painting up the blue bits on the new Code Geass kit, the Alexander. Buuut, my plan didn't work out so well and now I think I'm going to need to get myself some Simple Green to strip the paint and start over.
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