Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hey look, an update!

Yeah, an update.  I know it's been a while.  It's hard to keep this blog and the one I've got going on Dakka Dakka going at the same time.  Plus, the Dakka one actually gets comments and critiques on my work, which can be helpful.  But, whatever.  Since it's been so long, I'll just dump a bunch of pics.

I've slowly been working on my Deadzone stuff.  I actually built a couple of new buildings.

Built myself a fortified building.
 And a storage shed.  Oooooh.  Fancy.
 I've also been working on a few of my Deadzone figures.  I haven't forgotten about them.  Look, I actually painted the second G2 Plague.
And I finished up two more Enforcers:  The Captain and the Engineer.
That actually leaves just one more Enforcer and I'll have all of the Enforcers that were included in my box finished.

I also paitned this thing.... because I could!

Lastly, my beloved Infinity has been getting plenty of love.  My Yu Jing starter is almost totally completed and I've been working on some baddies.

Like this Shasvastii Gwailo.
I know that word is a slur, but that's what these guys are called.  He's a neat looking figure and one of the few types in the game that actually has a shield.  These guys can generate nanobot screens that act as mobile cover.  I can see that making them especially nasty fighters.

And after a second attempt, I just completed my blue, Megaman X inspired Charontid.
I have to say, these guys look pretty good in blue.  But they look good in green too...

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