Monday, November 4, 2013

Just a little update

The little bit of model work I did this weekend was on my Tau Devilfish.  As I said, I bought it to use it with my Enforcers.  Once my Deadzone Kickstarter stuff comes in, I'm going to have a ton of urban terrain and parts to build a landing pad.  Problem is, there's no aircraft to land on it.  So, I figured I'd just use a GW one.  The Tau tanks look enough like aircraft, I figured I could get away with it.  Last week I'd started painting it up.  I had a tri-color splinter camo pattern on it.  Unfortunately, I had to paint it by hand and I thought it looked really bad.  My dad didn't seem to think it looked that bad, but I wasn't happy with it.  So, on Saturday I repainted the whole thing and this time I used painter's masking tape to block off the camo pattern.  The results were way better.  Though, this time I stuck to just the base color and a darker color for the splinters.  Tonight I got the markings done and painted the engings.  So, now it's all done and ready for a spray sealant.  Well, that and I need GW to hurry up and send that missing drone sprue.

 It's a little hard to see, but here's the nose art I gave it.  I wish I had something more traditional, but this was the only one I had that actually fit.  Well, it was either this, a boar, or a crude looking skull.  This one gives it a tad bit of color, which I wanted, so that's why I chose it.
You can also see I got the viewports all painted up.  I'm not sure if I should do anything with the chin gun or those little antennae fins though.

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