Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hey, look! An update!

I haven't forgotten about updating.  I'm just lazy, that's all.  Actually, it's because I've been working on figures and stuff and by the time I finish up, it's usually already after midnight.

Oh yeah, Reaper Miniatures has another Bones kickstarter up.
As of this posting, it's already cleared $1million on its very first day.  It funded in 3 minutes, too.  That's pretty damn impressive, especially since the first Kickstarter ended at over $3 million.  I can see this one surpassing it, easily.  Who knows, this one may actually be one of the highest grossing Kickstarters ever.  Kind of surprising how much more money this thing can make than pretty much all of the video game kickstarters.  Hell, Keiji Inafune (the guy responsible for Mega Man!) had a kickstarter for a game called Mighty Number 9 that just ended today (I backed it) and it didn't even get close to $1million.   I am backing this Bones kickstarter since I missed the original and it is a hell of a good deal.

Speaking of minis though, I've been working on a couple.  I suppose that since I'm on the subject of Reaper and Bones, I can start with one I've just about finished.
My brother gave me this guy since he had an extra due to various circumstances.  Gaze upon his... um... greyness.  He's a rock monster.  You can't really do a wild color scheme with him.  I'm pleased with how he turned out though.  He's my first big Bones figure.

I've also been working on another Reaper mini...
Look at this guy!  I call him, the Fiendish Doctor Wu!
I know the mini looks nothing like him, but that is totally how I intend to use him.  I need a Black Dynamite to oppose him.

Other than that, I've also been working on Infinity figures.  I love their designs, but I'm afraid I cannot do their studio paint schemes justice.  That being said, there's one I believe I can do fairly well:  The Kaplan Tactical Services!
For the most part, I stuck to the studio colors with a few minor variances here and there.  I think I did a fairly decent job, all things considered.

"Doctor Wu commands you, kill them!"
"This won't end well."

As an added bonus, I'd decided to strip the paint off of my very first Warmachine figure.  It is one of the Myrmidons used by the elf faction.  Look what the Simple Green did to it!
He looks like he spent a few years under the ocean!  I have no clue how it did that, but the paint came off just fine and thankfully, there was no actual damage done to the figure.

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