Since I didn't have any pictures yesterday, I figure I ought to put some pictures up tonight. I actually wasn't planning on getting any actual work done tonight. I'd planned to watch The Wrath of Khan, but got sidetracked played Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. So, since it was too late to really watch the movie, I figured I'd do some painting. My Menoth forces have gotten some love and attention tonight. I've got two Warjacks finished up. First up is my Vigilant, the first one I completed.
Vigilant is obviously a defensive unit. Unfortunately, I will not be using him in the upcoming game on Saturday. I know it's something incredibly basic and you probably wouldn't even notice it most of the time, but I'm really pleased with how his base turned out. The light Warjacks have slotted bases as I explained yesterday and so I wound up sculpting those cobblestones over the normal base. I think they turned out pretty damn nicely.
Next up, the Crusader!
This guy is a Menoth heavy Warjack. This picture makes his paint look a bit messed up on his upper body, but it actually looks just fine in person. Hell, in my group shot I took, it actually looks better. No sculpting on this base. Just straight painting. This unit will be in Saturday's game.
And a group shot of the units I have at my apartment that are completed.
Not much, I know. I do have the Warcaster, Kreos completed at my parents' house along with one of my Knights Exemplar Cinerators. I'll be bringing them home after this weekend. I also have 2 more Warjacks that have been basecoated and are awaiting paint, 1 more light Warjack awaiting assembly, a Vassal of Menoth still sitting in his package, and several more unbuilt Cinerators and standard Exemplars. I'd probably have more of them finished if it weren't for those damn mold lines all over the figures.
Also, I think I'm going to be taking a hiatus on purchasing miniatures for a while. I'm going to grab some on Monday and that'll be it for a while. I've got a lot of figures to paint still, plus vehicles. Not only that, but I have 2 Kickstarters ending soon and a trip to Japan next month. In June, I'm also supposed to be getting my Mutant Chronicles Kickstarter figures as well, so my plate'll be full for a while. The biggest problem will be that I just won't be adding on to my Menoth army for a while.
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