Saturday, March 8, 2014

going to be a bit of a photodump.

This post is going to be a bit of a photo dump.  I've been sitting on these pics for a while and figure I should finally get around to posting them.

First we have the Kampfer Amazing, which I picked up in Japan.
He's a pretty nice kit.  I don't own the original HGUC Kampfer, but I did at one point own the old 0080 kit.  This one is a HUGE step up from that kit.
This one, like the previous ones has a fair number of weapons.  First of which are its combat knives it has stored on either side of its chest.
Second are its pistols.  It has two and both, along with their modular bits can be stored in those big cannon looking weapon cases on its back.
Like I said, the guns are modular.  There's a rifle body that fits over the pistol and has  a pair of barrel options.

The bottom one is supposed to be utilized as a sniper rifle.  I don't really care for it though.  I'm still disappointed that Bandai didn't include parts to do the smg configuration.

I've been working plenty on my miniatures, too.  I've managed to make a few test figures for Mutant Chronicles.
 Cybertronic Chasseur
 Capitol Heavy Infantry
Bauhaus Hussar.

The Mutant Chronicles figures are surprisingly kind of big.  They're taller than Infinity figures and my 35mm Eisenkern.

I've also managed to complete two of my Capitol Martian Banshees.
I like the designs for these guys.  They remind me of something out of Gears of War.  Those clear bases are great, too.

I also haven't completely forgotten about Deadzone.  Look, I've managed to complete all of 1 Reb Trooper!
 I started work on my Helfather Mercenary, too.  He's a chunky, heavy little figure.
 I've not forgotten about Warmachine or Infinity either.  I churned out a Retribution of Scyrah Ghost Sniper a few days ago.  I think he actually turned out pretty well.
 And I've finally completed on of my Infinity boxes.  These are the last two Kaplan Tactical Services troops I had left.  Now I've got a full team of five.  I have no clue if I can actually field them, but who cares?  They look neat.
I haven't started painting them yet, but I did start putting together some of my figures from Anvil Industries' Afterlife Kickstarter.  These figures are really nice.  In my honest opinion, I think these are probably some of the best resin figures I've worked on.  The details are all nice and crisp and I didn't find a single defect on them.

Now, my next big project is working on that Vatshu the Black Knight I bought in Japan.  He's turned out to be a bit smaller than I expected, but he's just as much of a fragile pain in the ass as I thought he'd be.

He's obviously not finished.  I got most of this done while the Oscars were on in the background last week.  The skirt armor and shoulder armor are probably going to be the biggest hassles on this thing.